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Nader NDB3 Series Products Selected as One of “The Ten Electrical Innovative Products”

Release time: 2010-08-22 Publisher: admin

On August 22nd, 2010, Electrical Engineering magazine held the Fifth China Forum on Innovation and Development of Electrical Equipment and the 1st "Ten Electrical Innovation Activities" in Beijing, and announced"The Ten Electrical Innovative Enterprises" and " More than 350 professional visitors attended the event in which Shanghai Liangxin Electrical CO., LTD. was on the list. General R&D Engineer, Mr. Pu Haomin, was invited to this event and received the certificate on behalf of the company. The Ten Electrical Innovative Products".

Deputy Secretary-General of China Electrotechnical Society (CES) Mr. Xi Dahua, announced the list of the first "Ten Electrical Innovative Enterprises" and "Ten Electrical Innovative Products". Secretary-General of China Electrotechnical Society (CES) Mr. Pei Xiangjing, Deputy Secretary-General of China Electrotechnical Society (CES) Mr. Han Yi, Academician Mr. Tang Renyuan and Mr. Gu Guobiao, and other leaders and experts presented the awarding cups and certificates to the shortlisted enterprises.
                  General R&D Engineer, Mr. Bu Haomin, (4th from the left) receiving Certificate on behalf of the company
By introduction, during the research activity, researchers determined the preliminary list of "The Ten Electrical Innovation Enterprises" and "The Ten Electrical Innovative Products" according to such indexes as the proportion of R&D investment to sale revenues, the number of possessed patents and the number of new patents of the year, profit margin and annual sales revenue, and then determined the list of "The Ten Electrical Innovation Enterprises" and "The Ten Electrical Innovative Products" by analysis on the materials reported and submitted by enterprises and on the basis of the relevant indexes and the industry distribution.
List of “The Ten Electrical Innovative Products”Listed in no particular order

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